Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the website of Distribution M. Gagnon and for reviewing its privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy).

By browsing our website or using our systems or services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this policy and consent to your personal data and information being processed in accordance with this policy, if applicable.

This privacy policy consists of the following elements:
  1. Objectives of the privacy policy,
  2. Effective date,
  3. Consent collection procedures,
  4. Purposes of data collection,
  5. Purposes of data processing,
  6. Personal information collected,
  7. Processing methods used,
  8. Methods of accessing and controlling personal information,
  9. Sharing and reasons for sharing personal information with third parties,
  10. Use of cookies and similar technologies,
  11. Retention of personal information.


1. Objectives of the privacy policy

Respecting privacy and protecting personal information are essential to us, which is why, through this Policy, we aim to protect it in accordance with applicable laws.

To ensure this protection, Distribution M. Gagnon is committed to collecting, processing, and sharing information that identifies an individual only when that individual has consented, unless permitted or required by law, in which case your consent will not be necessary.

The Policy aims to inform users of the reasons and ways in which Distribution M. Gagnon, or any person acting on its behalf, will collect and use their personal information. It is intended to be in clear language to ensure informed consent from users.

For the purposes of this Policy, "personal information" means any information about an identifiable individual or information that allows identifying an individual. Whenever possible, we will anonymize, pseudonymize, and/or aggregate this information so that it no longer identifies an individual.


2. Effective date

This Policy applies from January 11, 2024.

3. Consent collection procedures

We are committed to obtaining consent before collecting an individual's personal information. Consent can be explicit or implicit and can be provided directly by the person or their authorized representative.

We prioritize obtaining explicit consent, whether verbally, electronically, or in writing. However, implicit consent can be reasonably inferred from a person's actions or inactions. For example, providing a name and address to receive a publication or a name and phone number to receive a response to a question is considered implicit consent for the collection of information containing personal information. To determine the appropriate type of consent, we consider the sensitivity of the personal information involved, the purposes for which it is collected, and the reasonable expectations of a person in a similar situation.

If we wish to use personal information for a new purpose, we will describe the intended use and seek consent again.

It is not always possible, particularly in the case of a state request, to obtain the person's consent to collect, use, or disclose their personal information. We commit to never disclosing such information other than in accordance with this Policy, unless required or permitted by law.

4. Purposes of data collection

The information collected is done so in accordance with the purposes and objectives set out in this privacy policy.

Here are some reasons why we collect your personal information:

  • To provide products and services: We will collect and process the necessary data and information to fulfill our mission and contractual obligations.
  • To ensure and improve these products and services: The data collected during your interactions with our services may be used to analyze and improve the functioning of our products and services.
  • To develop new products and services as well as for AI: The data collected can be used in a research and development context to offer new products and services to our users, notably through advertising and marketing messages. Additionally, the collected and aggregated data may be processed by algorithms using artificial intelligence.
  • To offer personalized products and services: Collecting and analyzing data generated by your interactions with our services allows us to develop and create products and services that are relevant to better meet your cultural and entertainment expectations, notably to plan accommodation measures for customers who need them.
  • To evaluate the performance of products and services: Data is collected to obtain information about the advantages and disadvantages of our products and services to evaluate and resolve them if necessary, notably through surveys. This allows us to ensure the quality of our products and services and to promote risk management.
  • To protect the privacy of our users: The data collected allows us to verify the identity and protect the privacy of people who communicate with us by phone, electronically, or otherwise.
  • To meet legal obligations: Data is collected to comply with obligations arising from laws, regulations, or international treaties.


5. Personal information collected

Distribution M. Gagnon may collect personal information in various forms, but will do so only by lawful means and only for the necessary purposes disclosed to you, as described in this Policy, or when permitted or required by law.

The personal information collected, as well as its sensitivity, may vary depending on the context of the interactions between you and Distribution M. Gagnon. Therefore, we must prioritize informing you about the nature of the personal information we use.

We protect all collected personal information. Among the personal information that may be collected and used, we pay particular attention to:

  • Name and contact information. First and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar data used to contact you.
  • Identity proofs. Passwords, password hints, and other similar security information used to identify you and access your account.
  • Demographic data. Information about you such as your age, gender, country, and communication language.
  • Payment data. Information necessary for processing your payments, such as the payment instrument number (e.g., your credit card number) and the associated security code.
  • Subscription data. Information about your subscriptions to cultural events and newsletters from cultural companies.
  • Images and sounds. Audiovisual data to ensure the security of our users, notably at cultural event locations where we are organizers or hosts.
  • Interactions. Data related to your use of websites, platforms, and tools created. This includes data you provide to use the products. In other cases, such as error reports, it includes data we generate.

Other examples of interaction data we collect include:

  • Data on visited sites and usage. For example:
    • Payment and account history. Data on items you purchase and activities associated with your account.
    • Problem resolution and help data. Data you provide when you contact Distribution M. Gagnon for help, including the products you use, and other information that helps us resolve your issue.
  • Interests and preferences. Data on your interests and preferences, such as the artists or music styles that make you attend concerts, the types of exhibitions or cultural events that interest you, and the cities you are willing to travel to for certain cultural events. Apart from the information you explicitly provide, the other data we collect sometimes allow us to define or guess your interests and preferences.
  • Content consumption data. Data on the multimedia content (e.g., television, video, music, audio, books, apps, and games) you access through our products.
  • Searches and orders. Search queries and orders you use when using our website.
  • Text, input, and handwriting data. Text, input, and handwriting data, as well as any related information.
  • Location data. Data, which may be precise or not, about the location of your device. For example, location data can be collected from an IP address or from your profile data indicating with less precision your location, such as a city name or postal code.
  • Other data. Other data provided when using our website, including data from Google Analytics.


6. Processing methods used

  • Provide our products and services. We use the data to operate our products and services and to provide you with rich and interactive experiences.
  • Product and/or service improvement. We use the data to improve our products, including adding new features or capabilities (e.g., error reporting when purchasing a ticket or viewing an online program).
  • Personalization. Some products include personalized features, such as recommendations that enhance your experiences and satisfaction. These features use automated processes to tailor your experiences based on the data we have about you, such as inferences we make about you and your product usage, activities, interests, and location.
  • Product and/or service development. We use data to develop new products. For example, we use anonymized or pseudonymized personal information to better understand our customers' needs.
  • Customer support. We use the data to diagnose and resolve product and/or service issues, restore access to your personal account, and provide other support and assistance services.
  • Help ensure security and troubleshoot issues. We use data to help secure and troubleshoot our products and services. This includes using data to keep the services we offer our customers secure, detect malicious software and activities, troubleshoot performance and compatibility issues to help customers get the best experience, and inform them of product and service updates. This may include using automated systems to detect security issues.
  • Security. We use data to protect the security of our products and customers. Our security features can prevent the operation of malware and inform users of malware detection on their devices or use video surveillance to ensure public safety during events.
  • Surveys and promotional communications. We use the data we collect to provide surveys and promotional communications. You can subscribe to email newsletters, respond to surveys, and choose whether to receive promotional communications from Distribution M. Gagnon by email, SMS, postal mail, and phone. For more information on managing your contact information, email subscriptions, and promotional communications, see the "Access and Control Your Personal Information" section of this Policy.
  • Relevant offers. Distribution M. Gagnon uses data to provide you with relevant and important information about the products and services we offer. We analyze data from different sources to predict the information that will be most interesting and relevant to you and communicate it to you in various ways. For example, we may predict your interests in shows and offer new activities that may appeal to you.
  • Advertising. Distribution M. Gagnon uses the data collected through our interactions with you, some of our products, and on third-party websites to advertise our products and services, including on third-party websites. We may sometimes use automated processes to make advertisements more relevant.
  • Business transactions. We use data to process your transactions with us. For example, we process payment information to provide customers with subscriptions to products and use contact information to provide products purchased in our online stores/ticketing.
  • Reporting and business operations. We use data to analyze our operations and improve decision-making. This allows us to make informed decisions and create reports on the performance of our activities.
  • Protecting rights and property. We use data to detect and prevent fraud, resolve disputes, enforce contracts, and protect our property. For example, we use data to verify the validity of tickets sold to combat fraud. We may use automated processes to detect and prevent activities that violate our rights and those of third parties.
  • Legal compliance. We process data to comply with the law. For example, we use our customers' ages to ensure we comply with child privacy protection obligations or to ensure the customer meets the recommended age for the audience. We also process contact details and identifiers to help customers exercise their data protection rights.
  • Research. We use data to conduct research, including for scientific purposes and in the public interest, where permitted by law.


7. Processing Methods Used

Distribution M. Gagnon places the utmost importance on the security of your personal information and is committed to processing it according to industry standards and norms, solely for the purposes for which it is collected as described in this policy or in a specific notice to this effect. However, the absolute safeguarding of this information is impossible given the inherent security limitations of Internet transmission. The information transmitted to us is ultimately at the user's own risk.

8. Methods of Accessing and Controlling Personal Information

Distribution M. Gagnon ensures that all personal information in its possession is as accurate, current, and complete as necessary for the purposes for which it is used.

You have the right to request access to your personal information for verification purposes and to request a correction if it is inaccurate. If you believe your personal information is inaccurate or if you wish to access your personal information, you can make a request using the contact information provided at the end of this Policy.

To the extent possible, we will provide you with timely access to your personal information. However, for security reasons, we may need to verify your identity.

There may be circumstances where we cannot give you access to your personal information, such as when access may lead to the disclosure of another person's personal information and that person refuses to consent to the disclosure or when legal restrictions apply. If this situation arises, we will inform you of the reason why we cannot provide you with access to your personal information.

If your request concerns data appearing on third-party web pages or platforms, please contact those third parties directly.

9. Sharing and Reason for Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside Distribution M. Gagnon, except with our authorized suppliers and partners who need access to the information for the purposes listed in this policy and within its limits, as well as in the following cases:

  • With your consent.
  • For storage on cloud servers, in which case personal information may pass through third-party jurisdictions. Note that we only retain the services of reputable companies with privacy policies.
  • For external processing needs: We transfer personal information to other companies or trusted individuals who process it on our behalf, according to our instructions, in compliance with this privacy policy, with a level of data security at least equivalent to ours, and respecting any other appropriate security and confidentiality measures.

    Specifically, we use third-party providers to aggregate, clean, and analyze data in the cultural sector so they can enhance this data and develop tools for the public or sector stakeholders. To do this, these providers process the information provided as follows:
    • The data is first prepared, then categorized for use.
    • From the prepared data, the provider creates aggregate statistics that contain general and non-personal information, sometimes combined with data from similar sources. This aggregated data is then used to establish overall statistics such as origin analysis (mainly via postal codes), seasonality analysis, or pricing analysis (such as shopping cart type).
    • This data is then enriched using two different methods. The first is enrichment using publicly available third-party data, such as socio-demographic data issued by the Census via postal code. The second method is called enrichment by inference. Enrichment by inference involves, for example, inferring that an individual purchasing a ticket at the “under 25” rate is under 25 years old.
  • For legal reasons: We transfer personal information outside our company if access to it is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Distribution M. Gagnon is committed to not selling or renting your personal information to any third party.

10. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Distribution M. Gagnon may use cookies, web beacons, invisible pixels, log files, or other technologies to collect certain personal information about visitors to our websites, as well as recipients of our newsletters, invitations, and other communications. Cookies are pieces of information transmitted by the server to the browser during a website visit and allow the unique identification of the current connection. This data may include information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser version, pages of our site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.

The cookies used serve, in particular, to retrieve search history and carts (e.g., ticket purchases) related to the session, to facilitate the user’s online browsing experience. It is important to know that enabling the cookie option may, depending on the chosen configuration, allow other servers to install cookies on your system. You can set your browser to notify you of the presence of cookies, giving you the option to accept or decline them.

Please note that our website may contain links or references to third-party websites. This policy ceases to apply once you leave our website, and Distribution M. Gagnon is not responsible for the collection or processing of personal information by these third parties or through these external sources.


11. Retention of Personal Information

Distribution M. Gagnon retains collected data for varying periods, depending on their nature and usefulness in offering our products and services. During the retention period, Distribution M. Gagnon takes physical and technical measures to ensure the security of data containing personal information.

Personal information may be stored outside the country in which you live if a third-party provider or another entity to whom we disclose personal information in accordance with this Policy is located outside the country. In such cases, personal information may be subject to local laws of the countries or territories where the information is collected, used, disclosed, or stored, and the government and law enforcement authorities of those countries or territories may have access to it.

Once the retention period has expired, personal information is destroyed. Only statistics or reports containing depersonalized and anonymized data may be kept for extended periods.

Other Information

Changes to These Rules:
We make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any reduction of your rights under this Privacy Policy will not be applied without your explicit consent. We always indicate the date the latest changes were made and allow you to access archived versions for review. If the changes are significant, we will post a prominent notice on our website (including, for certain services, through email notification).

Compliance Officer:
For any questions, comments, or complaints regarding this policy, you can contact the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this privacy policy: